• Blog,  Lifestyle,  Mindfulness/Meditation,  Stress

    9 Quick and Dirty Ways to Calm your Mind

                        1. Get Your Butt Moving   Throw any excuse at it you want, but it doesn’t change the fact that NOTHING is a better stress reliever than physical activity. Yoga studios and gyms are always trying to get new business, so look for trial memberships and free classes to figure out what you like. Also, you don’t need to sign up for a fancy gym to get moving, you can always start walking more, jogging, and let’s not forget that healthy, consensual sex can be one of the best stress relievers out there. So, if that is an option for you,…

  • Blog,  Exercise & Movement,  Lifestyle,  Mindfulness/Meditation,  Stress

    The Holiday Balancing Act: Part 2

                      9 Steps to Making Holiday Stress Your Ally and Not Your Enemy:  Holiday stress. Between the bills, the parties, the overeating, over-drinking, family squabbles, and fighting the crowds at the mall, it is no wonder so many people are left with their heads spinning this time of year. Take back control this year with Dr. K’s Holiday Stress Dissolving Tips. 1. Get Your Butt Moving   Throw any excuse at it you want, but it doesn’t change the fact that NOTHING is a better stress reliever than physical activity. Yoga studios and gyms are trying their best to get your business this…

  • Exercise & Movement,  Inflammation,  Pain

    Bust through pain with Dry Needling

    Stimulate your immune system to heal you with dry needling      Dry needling has become a go to treatment for stubborn trigger points and muscle conditions. The process is pretty simple: locate the target tissue and attack it with a thin acupuncture needle (5-10 acupuncture needles can fit inside the mouth of a typical hypodermic needle).  In the case of trigger points, sometimes the muscle that is being treated will twitch or jump, this is a sign of trigger point release.       When treating more chronic conditions like tennis elbow or piriformis pain, it is not as common to get the twitch response.   Needle stimulation causes tissue relaxation and…

  • Blog,  Blood Sugar/Adrenals,  Diabetes/Prediabetes,  Endocrine System,  Food,  Inflammation,  Lifestyle

    The Holiday Balancing Act: Part One

    Let’s simplify the real health challenges of the holiday season into:  Sugar & Stress. In Part One of The Holiday Balancing Act, we will focus on how to prevent sugar from wreaking havoc on your weight, your health, and your sense of well-being. To the right is a simplified look at what happens when you eat an unbalanced diet high in simple carbs (pastas, breads, sugar, candy, cake, pastries, white rice, etc.). This diet, which most of us slip into from Halloween to New Years, is the driving force behind inflammation, weight gain, lethargy, diabetes, and heart disease. Take a look…      Now, the holidays are not a time to deprive…